Jason Wahler :: Living Life With Purpose & Passion :: Celebrity, Wellness, Family & Recovery

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Natural Highs


Did you know that your brain naturally has the ability to produce more potent chemicals than heroin if you let it do its job? Creating the sensation of being high without using drugs or alcohol may sound a bit strange to some. However, for those of us in recovery, chasing those "natural highs" can actually help to minimize the temptation for drug use. There are natural highs that help stimulate neurotransmitters, which in turn create the feel-good hormones that your body craves. Actively pursuing natural highs consistently shows better outcomes and better lifestyles for people in recovery.

When I think about my natural highs I immediately remember the last time I caught a perfect wave, hit a perfect golf shot, rode my beach cruiser on the boardwalk, and saw a beautiful sunset with my family.  These days I have a huge list of things I like to do to get high without any drugs or alcohol. And it turns out that natural highs affect your brain longer than drugs or alcohol.  This is why I promote seeking natural highs and encourage people to have fun with "natural highs, to get out there and embrace living life to the fullest.

Living life to the fullest to me means getting out and connecting with nature, connecting with other people, doing things that bring you joy and help you fulfill your purpose and passion. When your brain releases those four main 'feel good' chemicals – endorphin, oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine, you get to celebrate life…and then actually remember what happened the next day. By learning how to get high naturally, it's possible to experience many of the same positive, happy feelings without the potential for addiction.

 Active addicts quickly discover that it's hard to feel pleasure from anything other than their drug of choice. When that intense dopamine surge fades it sends their brain into stress, anxiety, and irritability. This discomfort reinforces the desire to get high again, which is the stronghold of addiction. Research shows that natural highs not only help with relapse prevention but also help with several key areas in recovery:

• Reducing Stress

• Improved Sleep

• Better Moods

• More Energy

• Stronger Immunity


As I mentioned, a natural high is not drug-induced, or artificial and doesn't have the same dangers or serious health risks as alcohol and addictive drugs. We can all achieve a natural high by doing something that stimulates and increases our natural reserves of feel-good chemicals.  Our "pleasure neurotransmitters" respond to a variety of things, the key is to find the unique experiences that give you a sense of joy. It's never a bad idea to have a bunch of substance-free options for natural highs, whether you are in recovery or not.

There are so many things I love to do for a natural high, and I'm all about bringing the fun! Number one on the list is living an active lifestyle. It's the key to my recovery; it's my natural antidepressant, my connection to my higher power and everything around me.  Surfing, skating, golfing, motorcycles, working out, boxing and hiking are some of my biggest loves and part of my healthy mind and healthy body routine.

Here are some tips to consider that can help boost your sobriety and your life to the fullest:

1)    Exercise, Exercise, Exercise: During cardiovascular and aerobic workouts our brains release endorphins along with adrenaline, both hormones stimulate a sense of euphoria, providing feelings of happiness and well-being. Regular exercise gives you more energy, potentially helping protect your body from developing health issues such as cancer, stroke, heart disease, depression, diabetes, and osteoporosis. It's also a mood stabilizer and a great way to sleep better at night! If you don't have a lot of exercise experience, try to start gradually and build up from there.

2)    Get Physically Connected: Being intimate with someone you love and care for is a healthy way to experience a natural high and significantly reduces overall stress. It may be common sense, but it's always a good reminder that physical affection, touch, and connecting with someone physically can have very beneficial advantages- as long as it's done safely and healthily.

3)    Rest. Sleep. Meditation: Learning how to disconnect from sources of stress and noise is very important. Problems with sleep and relaxation are not uncommon in recovery. For me, regular prayer and meditation help me to achieve a more lighthearted attitude, a sense of greater control over my emotions, and greater resilience to triggers and stress. Many different avenues can be taken to improve sleep, be in a restful state, slow the brain down, create calm, and reduces stress and anxiety.

4)    Enjoy. Play. Laugh: Laughter will help you feel good even faster than drugs and alcohol. Laughing at movies, comedy shows, or having good times with friends, and family triggers the brain's "feel-good" hormones. Listening to music, dancing, doing art, cooking, or playing an instrument are all great ways to get that natural high. When I was involved with the ROCK TO RECOVERY program I witnessed participants learning to create a sense of belonging and self-esteem all while enjoying those natural high chemicals.


Living life to the fullest is a lifestyle choice. We all need a reminder to disconnect to be connected. Everyone can benefit from trying something new, going somewhere you've never been, or talking to a stranger. You never know what you may discover about the world, another person, or even better, about yourself.  I've created a photo gallery of some of the things that I do to get those natural highs and if you've never done or seen the activity before, maybe it will inspire you to find a new passion!

Many of us get knocked off course by the stresses of everyday lives and need a reminder for continuing to do the things that are healthy for our bodies and minds. If you have never experienced the joy of being free from drugs and alcohol there are options for you. When you are tired of all the unnatural highs and ready to try something new, there is help for you.