I’m Addicted: I Need Help With Drugs and Alcohol


Am I Addicted to Drugs & Alcohol?

Maybe you’re not entirely ready to say, “I’m addicted, and I need help.” Perhaps you’re just wondering what to do if you need help with drugs and alcohol?

While admitting that you’re addicted may take a while, knowing that things are unmanageable is pretty easy- when everything in your life is a mess! That’s what some may call a “bottom.”

For some people saying, “I need help” comes when they’ve hit a very high bottom- when they just get sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

For others, recognizing that their addiction has caused them to hit rock bottom, may come with arrests, jail time, hospitalization and worse.

Can’t stop? Alcohol And Drug Addiction And The Brain

Ever feel like you know you need to stop but you just can’t?

There’s a reason for that: repeated drug and alcohol use actually changes your brain, including parts of the brain that enable you to exert self-control. These and several other changes can be seen clearly in brain imaging scans of people with addictions.

There may even be other reasons why quitting is so difficult, even if you feel ready. It is quite common for people suffering with an alcohol or drug dependency to have concurrent clinical health issues causing them to “self-medicate”, such as depression. Having more than one health problem at the same time has a clinical name. It’s called “comorbidity,” “co-occurrence,” or “dual diagnosis” and there are many non-addictive medications that can help with depression or any other mental health issues. It’s important that you make sure all of your health care providers know about all of your issues and concerns, and to address them as soon as possible.

So, why can’t people just stop drinking and drugging if they know that what they are doing is not working well? The answer is that addiction is a disease, and a diseased brain in not functioning in a reasonable or rational state.

Here are some common questions people ask when they can’t stop their addiction:

  • I use drugs and alcohol because I feel depressed, but when I stop I feel much worse- what can I do?

  • How do I know if I’m addicted?

  • Why can’t I stop using drugs or alcohol on my own?

  • What if I’ve been this way too long?

  • I’m ashamed and don’t want to tell anyone but I need help. What do I do?

  • If I did want help, where would I start?

  • How do I find a treatment center?

  • How will a rehab or treatment center help

I Need Help With Drugs and Alcohol

For those of you who are at the point where you are ready to ask for help, there are hundreds and thousands of people who have paved the way for you and can relate to exactly what you are going through right now.

It is absolutely possible to find the right treatment approach that is tailored to you, because although you are a unique human being, alcohol and drug addiction is not a unique issue. Treatment centers and rehabs can offer specialized assessment, psychological counseling, psychiatric counseling, behavioral modification, and even pain management. Treatment approaches are therefore uniquely tailored to address each patient’s drug or alcohol abuse patterns and as well as other drug/alcohol-related medical, psychiatric, and social problems.

The first step to treating a person who is addicted to alcohol or drugs is “detox,” which helps patients to remove all of the drugs and alcohol from their system. This is a very important step. When patients first stop abusing alcohol or drugs, they can experience a variety of physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms, including depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders; restlessness; and sleeplessness. Detox treatment centers are very experienced in helping you get through this process and keeping you safe.

Getting Treatment For Drug And Alcohol Addiction

Treatment for drug and alcohol addictions is not a panacea, but it does represent the best chance for addicts who are serious about getting clean and sober and are willing to put in the effort necessary to make it happen.

There are treatment centers and aftercare for you when you are finished with detox, which are strongly advised as they can help you rebuild your life after drug and alcohol use. Some treatment centers offer an outpatient treatment programs, which would allow you to continue to perform some of your daily responsibilities. However, as a first time experience in rehabilitation from a drug or alcohol addiction, some people do better with inpatient (residential) treatment.

If you think you may be suffering with the disease of addiction, you are not alone. I’ve been there, and I have the resources to help you find the best possible treatment option.

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