More Than What Meets the Eye

A few years ago, I would host parties at my house in LA where there would be 50-100 people raging out of control. While everyone thought I was enjoying the party as much as they were, little did they know I was secretly going into the master bathroom and snorting as much coke and drinking as much alcohol as I could. When I was done, I would grab a beer and get back into the party as if nothing happened.

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Sunday Football and Sober Realizations

My Wife Ashley and I host a party every Sunday for the football games. We invite about 10-15 people over and its something that we always look forward to! We always put on a big barbeque, serve up a ton of food and just enjoy spending quality time with each other. For me, this is one of many things I enjoy doing now that I’m sober.

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A Lack of Prevention and a Startling Statistic

In the United States, there is a prescription drug monitoring program that helps health care providers determine which patients are “doctor shopping” and which doctors they are seeing to do so. The prescription drug monitoring program also keeps track of which patients are getting what medications, at what dose, and so on so when they do go to see their doctor, he or she can have record of their past prescription use rather than go on the patient’s word. This program is being utilized in 49 out of 50 states, with Missouri being the only state refusing to jump on the bandwagon.

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